Thursday, March 5, 2009

Covering My Ass...

I watched the Top Chef Reunion last night - and will have some things to say about it this evening once I get home. Right now I am concentrating on keeping my little paycheck coming. My boss met with me yesterday and "wants to take a look at the numbers". Translation: "Your event/group sales are WAY down - and I'm thinking we don't need you anymore". My job is in serious jeopardy - so I am working hard at providing documentation proving that he DOES need me.

Also, I watched Make Me A Supermodel last night - and have a few things to say about that as well. But for now, PRAY for me and my job...


Mistress Maddie said...

Your in my thoughts Mamie! If something happens you'll have to move in the Borhgese Castle! I hope everything works out alright. I know too many out of work right now.

the dogs' mother said...

Damn! I should have answered the door when the religious man showed up. I could have said, 'David needs us to pray for him!!!!' I wish I was brave enough to be bat-shit crazy when those guys show up.

Okay. Boss needs you. When the weather gets better people come out of the woodwork and if they walk into your place, looking to book an event, and, oops! no-one is available, they will go someplace else!!

Anonymous said...

Frogponder makes a good point, and you are smart enough to make your case with numbers too.

Customer/Client services always go south in a bad economy because some managers just think of it as fat to be trimmed, but the real focus should be on maintaining it and improving it in order to get what little business there is.

Sweet Baby Jesus (no, not Madge's boy-toy, I need, you know, the real deal) please let David survive the his boss' trolling about because the boss is scared of losing his own job.

Sweetie, good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am praying really hard. Sounds like frogponder and Lola are on the right track. Can you pull up numbers that track an increase in events during better weather?

Bob said...

We're thinking good thoughts down here in Smallville, too.

I'm working my McRosary beads!


Unknown said...

I think I will take a different tack than Frogponder, Lola and the rest. Tell your boss if he even tries to go there, a few angry queens will make there way to the Village and do things - one of us knows that building fairly well. And this bitch would be pissed!

Tivo Mom said...

Everything is going to be fine. I am thinking about you a lot.

Anonymous said...

Just do the best you can, D and take it day by day.

Anonymous said...

Just do the best you can, D and take it day by day.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Your Spirit Guides will lead you in the right direction!
-Crazy Ginger

Joy said...

I was going to say that about the spirit guides, but Miss Ginger beat me to it! This will be OK.

Timmy said...

Calvin and I are sending positive thoughts your way from Houston, TX

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you D, sending you a bigggg hug xoxo Vav

theminx said...

Sweetie, you are in my thoughts all the time (the good ones!).


Mark in DE said...

Yikes! Sending positive vibes your way.

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